Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sad Eyes

I've had sad eyes all week. I just want to write about why because I can't quit thinking about it and I can't talk about it without tearing up. My dog, Belle, that I have had since 8th grade; she drowned in our pool over the weekend. My poor Momma had to deal with this. Belle was old and probably on her way out but I'm still sick over it. I know death is a part of life. I still hate accepting the permanence of never seeing her sweet face again. She was given to me by Eric McCrum. And since his passing, she was what I held onto. I am angry with myself about a lot of it; like the abandonment by leaving her at home with my parents or not spending enough time with her when I was home. I don't like not having control and I don't like not being to change the outcome of decisions of the past. I know it could be so much worse and life is hard. I am terrified of all the someday's to have to go through. I look at Laney and thank the all the stars in the heavens for the unconditional love she has given me. I have many things to be thankful for. Maybe I don't want to shake this; I don't know. I keep holding onto knowing that God knows when every sparrow falls. I am just sad. I don't want to talk about it so I wrote; I am just sad. My Dad told me last night to Stay in the Moment. I think that is the best piece of advice I have had a in a long time.


Elly Doran said...

I lost my dog that I had from 8th grade as well. It was when I was pregnant with my little guy. I think it was one of the hardest days, weeks, of my life. Just want you to know I am praying His Peace over you right now.

S, J, B, & S said...

Aww, I am so sorry! The exact same thing happened to my aunt's dog and it was so hard for her (and everyone else). Praying for you!

My {Oh} My Musings said...

oh laura i'm sorry! :(

Emily Suzanne said...

I can't imagine how hard that must be for you. I think it's okay to have permission to be sad and go through mourning for your dog. She's a HUGE part of your life for so many reasons and to grieve over her and all she stood for in your life is good... I think it honors her and it honors you, and the people you've loved who have also loved her.
Definitely good to live in this moment of sorrow and in the upcoming moments that will inevitably sweep you away as life goes on :(
My mom gave me that advice too... live in the moment.
Good parents.
praying for you.

Casey said...

Wow, I'm sorry. Great advice from your dad, but I know it's hard to do.

Also, I just want to say "hi" and come out of hiding. I love blogs and have checked in with you often. Laney is precious!!!

Thinking of your dad now; he really kicked our butts as a soccer coach. To this day, every time I hear the word "hustle," I think of him.

Hope y'all have a good weekend.