Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thirteen Months and things to love

Thirteen things to love about Laney at 13 months. The list could go on but here is off the cuff. Laney is flipping hilarious and a lot of fun at this stage. Here are some pictures we took; a few days late I know. And she has been sick all day after a night of vomiting for four hours. Yup, I said it. You'd never know though; she isn't a fussy one. Except this face. Go to #13 , she hates bows. 1. I love the way she dances anytime she hears music come on in the car or out and about or just at home. Here she is watching the Laurie Berkner band
I know they are silly but she adores these songs. She knows when I go to turn on the DVD we are about to dance! 2. I love how every time she sees a fish or I read the word fish Laney begins to make the noise with her mouth as a fish would. It's endearing; as simple as it sounds. Her fish face:
3. I love how she knows how to be funny. These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago when my dog Belle passed. I was in the bath and Matthew brought Laney in with gloves and a hat on and I just started cracking up. And she knew to be funny because she was laughing as she came in the bathroom. Thank goodness for humor, how would we get through life without it?

4. I love how she knows what she wants to eat and what she won't. The other night I made macaroni and was about to give it to her. She made a face with her tongue and basically said "ugh". I looked in disbelief and firmly said "Laney, you are going to eat this, we don't act like that". Oh but we do, she just shook her head and told me no. I can't believe she understands our conversations sometimes. I guess that I am the one not understanding. This is our discussion before bath time and she did not want to take one. This is an oddity but she knows her mind!
5. I love that she is a KISSER. Funny story. For the past week, when I pick Lanes up from daycare I have been informed by her teachers that she is trying to kiss other children. The first time was Loudon, then Carlos, now a new boy (as in he was at day care one day) William. Notice; only the boys. I guess this is how I love on her so much that she tries to show her affection in this manner. Naughty. Here is her favorite friend and victim; Carlos.

6. I love that Laney refuses to cover up with blankets. Even in her sleep she kicks profusely until the covers are off. Adamant and particular.
7. I love the way she reaches up to hold my hand or puts her arms up to pick her up. The way she will lean her face into mine when she is playing coy upon meeting a stranger or the way she will try to pat my face.
8. I love how she shares and tries to feed me. Every time she is eating a cracker or cookie; not that I give her those, or string cheese or anything she tries to get me to take bites. Or to have a drink out of her cup. Or to suck on her pacifier. Or to feed me with a spoon. She loves using a spoon! But she shares and I love that.

9. I love racing to day care. The absolute best part of my day is when I pick her up from daycare. I honestly can't get to her quick enough and she is not even five minutes away. When I walk in and our eyes meet, or she hears my voice, it's like she hasn't seen me in ages. She lights up and squeals and scurries over to me as fast as she can. She usually trips because she gets in such a hurry but it is the best greeting that money could never buy.
10. I love the way Laney loves her Daddy. It has been a really rough time these past six months and not once when Matthew has gotten home has she shyed away from him. She reaches her arms out and knows that he is her Daddy. 11. I love her reaction when she see's my Momma. It sounds like she is hyperventilating. Seriously. This last time in Abilene she was just gasping for air and reaching out for her. It is so funny to witness. She really loves her very own Joja! And she says my moms name now! I think we will figure out what she will be called very soon! 12. I love the way that Laney chases around animals. Kitties especially, maybe because they are easy to chase. Just the same, she tries to say Kitty and Baxter; after our cat at home. She will pull on his tail or try to pet him and he tolerates her behavior.
13. I secretly love that she hates it when I try to get her to be girly. I want her to wear a bow and she could care less. She does not want anything on her head and laughs about it while ripping it off! On a side note, the glass heart she is holding is kind of part of a ritual. Every night she will go and grab it and sit in her Laney chair. It is very sweet but the Bible verse reads "Precious in His sight; Children are a gift from the Lord."

And I feel blessed. Blessed that Laney absolutely loves me unconditionally. It is the sweetest adoration that I feel from her. Here are some pictures we took today. Sorry for the length of this post. I get carried away.


Roman's Roost said...

So cute! Need I say more...simply adorable.

ThePoeFam said...

What a sweet post...I love her relationship with your momma! SO SWEET!!! And, those gloves and hat kill me...precious!!!

Emily Suzanne said...

What a fun little girl! You guys have such a bond!

allyo said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet Laney. We love you too baby girl!

Hayley said...

Laura, she is soo cute I can't stand it! Seriously love reading your blog...I promise I will update mine again soon :)

Lesley said...

precious! I'll see you in an hour! I'm so glad to be so close! Wasn't it broccoli that she turned her nose at? Not the mac&cheese? Just curious...I love y'all so so so very much!