Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.

Lanes and I went to Town Lake after work and I pushed her in the running stroller. She loves talking to strangers and singing “patty, patty, patty cake”. She seemed to be best at playing in the sunshine whilst running off from me. I love the feeling of the sunshine on my face and the fall that strolls in late October. It takes me back to school days and the feeling of being in love. This time of year for me always holds that same familiar, welcome back feeling that I forget about until the next year. It is actually too hard for me to find the right words. But I think Laney had a taste because she was giddy and silly as she took off with my phone and laughed in her stroller. And those sparkly eyes, they are so familiar. What a big girl she is getting to be. We are only a few days shy of thirteen months.

We enjoyed our time at Town Lake and I got in a decent run.

Have I mentioned, I am NOT running the Waco marathon? I think I have issues since the Hurricane Ike ordeal and mentally cannot get on board to fulfill this commitment. I am going to do San Antonio instead. Hopefully by then I will be ready and excited again.


Emily Suzanne said...

such great pictures! I can see the sparkle you talk about in her eyes! when are you coming to SA? And I definitely can relate to that fall feeling...lovely.

Meg said...

i was just fixing to post and see if you were getting geared up to run the waco marathon! i am SURE it is so hard to gear yourself up AGAIN to do it! san antonio is supposed to be really good this year, i have several friends running it. i have also run austin 6 times and that is my husband's and my "must do" marathon every year. you should do that one! if you ever want to chat running holler at me :) meg