Monday, October 27, 2008

Whole Foods Accounting Team Build

What a success! Jackie, Jen, and I planned (and pulled off) the team build for the Accounting Department at Whole Foods. And it was a perfect day! Minus the imposition of waking up with Laney's virus! I still managed to make it through the event and had a wonderful time. And I am hoping my true calling is to become a party planner, I mean sort of. It would be a fun way to make a living! I had a blast and we have had lots of "thank you's" from everyone. Here are some pics to recapture the day.

We began to set up at 8:30 am and it was about 50 degrees! I was in flip flops! But the sun came out and the heat did too.
To begin the day we had an ice breaker scavenger hunt. We had to find people that had either done or had to do certain unique things. Irony- no one in my dept drives a hybrid. Go figure at Whole Foods?I had Robert do a cart wheel.

My Team:

The Entire Accounting Team (or the majority of it) at Whole Foods: The next game was "TAG". It's a bit complicated to explain but similar to the old fashioned, elementary school version. Things just seem to become more complex in our old age.

Then we did the "three legged race"; which I got to explain. It was a little choppy but worked out and there were gift cards as prizes.

Lastly, the calculator ten key race. Too fitting. This one makes me laugh because I know how dorky it is that we had a team build and brought our calculators. We had a contest to see who was the quickest and most accurate on the ten key. We are dorks. But I love my dorks.

I was nervous. My hands were even sweating! I did not win. Not even close.
The best part of the day was seeing the "realness" in co workers. It didn't seem like work, and it wasn't, but it wasn't scary sitting next to the VP of Accounting at lunch or playing tag with your boss's boss. Although, in a meeting it might have been. I really enjoyed getting to help head this up and hope that Jackie, Jen, and I have the opportunity to do this again. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the Christmas party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura! Your ten key race cracked me up. I am an accountant too and I am always joking with my staff that they can have a ten-key race to see who gets stuck with whatever task I am assigning. :) Although, I did notice that I have the same kind of ten-key as you. I've had it since I started my first job at EY and couldn't part with it. Ha, ha!