Friday, May 29, 2009

Month of May

The month of May has slipped through our fingers. I have yet to find a routine here in San Antone. I do love it though, we are in such a bubble in Alamo Heights and people are small town nice. And my Monday and Tuesday's in Austin are going good. We stay overnight on occasion and the drive seems to be relatively quick. I am happy to be working and home with Laney three days a week. This suites me. But I need a nanny for the conference calls. And this month has been full of trials and triumphs. Still, here is our precious heart in her not so little personality.

We had our first pool trip at Hunt Conger's birthday party; Hayley Sullivan's little boy. It was a lot of fun splashing around in the baby pool with Lanes. I can't wait to take her this summer to splash around! We need to get to Sea World soon.

Our trip to Dallas was, in a word, unlucky. We drove in during the wee hours of the night to arrive at 3:30 am. We had a dinner with Matthew's section in San Antonio that was a lot of fun but put us on the road in the middle of the night. Plus, no idea it was five hours from here. We are flying next time.
I got to see my Paw Paw in Arlington! And he is such a sweet man that is in such great health mentally and physically for his age. I am so proud he is mine! Laney wasn't shy kissing him bye bye either! She loves her Great Paw Paw!

Have I mentioned the collision on I 30? Yeah, we got rear ended so that was awesome. Which, yeah. Here is a picture and we have the car in the shop right now. I have my rental and UGH. Hence, unlucky.

Mother's Day was spent at Aunt Susan's. All the cousins got to play and it was not the least bit surprising to see L kissing on her cousin John! And sweet Princess Morgan loving on Laney! Precious!!!!!

On the way home Laney had a blow out diaper. So we stopped and changed it close to Lampasas. It was a beautiful drive; just a very long one.

Did I mention Cinco De Mayo at Whole Foods and the party planning committee? Ha, well, we call ourselves that but we are just four girls in accounting that like to plan parties! Pictures with our faux margaritas! Jackie is so clever! The 5th of May celebration at WF was filled with delicious Mexican food. I made the queso. Easy and yummy.

We got to see Nick and Crick this month! Nick graduate from Texas A&M and is quickly on his way to becoming a CPA. We are so proud of him and I am jealous! And that Bailey is as sweet as can be. We love you Blake's!

Matthew taught Laney to blow bubbles. She has always enjoyed them but she can now blow! Good job M!

Memorial Day Weekend was busy. We went pretty hard from Friday through Monday. We had eight people stay with us over the weekend and we have a small house. But we had a lot of fun! Reckless Kelly on Friday night and hanging out Saturday. Kristen and Jackie came to visit and a the Midland Guys and James! We had a full house!

We had another incident with Laney. She fell, on my watch, off the desk chair and hit her head on a pair of free weights. Basically, a huge bump on her forehead and the ER for several hours. She is alright but it was startling and scary.
Rainforest Cafe on the Riverwalk was cool! It was Laney's first time and she wasn't so sure about the animals. She loves monkeys and will always do the beating on her chest to go see them. And when it would thunder she would exclaim "rain! rain!"

There it is in a nutshell. May 2009. Good Bye. You were a very trying month. I'm hoping to feel better about June and I hope it creeps by. Still, you were busy and kept us on our toes. And I know, hectic or not, every single day we get is a gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura - I found your blog through Megan Perkins' blog (she & I used to work together at KPMG). Anyway, one one of your pictures I recognized Jen Vieiro - one of my best friends from UT who obviously works with you at Whole Foods. It's such a small world, I just had to say, "Hi".