Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Welcome 2010!!!!

We spent the New Year at home this year with Laney. It's funny to me that for the last decade I can remember all of my NYE being fun and crazy. And still this year with Laney it was just as memorable. She kept saying "Happy New Ear!" She is quite the night owl.

We took her to watch the Fireworks at midnight downtown and Fort Sam. And she absolutely loved the show and all of our kisses at midnight!
We spent New Year's Day putting her outside play house together and trying to get reorganized from the holidays.

And had a wonderful lunch with Matthew's family in San Antonio. Laney got to see her second cousins and we got to play Rock Band.

Prego and trying to rock out. Nice. I was terrible!
Time to reflect. Resolutions were made to be broken right? Some of these happened and some probably never will! But I'll go through and come up with some easy ones for this year.
***** Wear purple! I never wear it, not fond of this color but it has grown on me! I wore it~ lots!
Run another marathon Julyish???***** This did not happen. Instead, I got pregnant and quit running by July. Awesome.
Learn to Love Veggies and Chicken- Trying. I love salad. And have loved chicken being pregnant. We will see if it lasts.
****Patience Patience Patience****** Nope.
Take the D*&( GMAT ***Did this! And enrolled in UTSA's Master's of Accounting Program.
Learn how to use Photoshop**** Not yet. Still want to though!
Start THINKING about baby #2 ( I use thinking because there are still a few things to check off the list before this summer)*** Thinking about it and ready to deliver mid February!
Figure out work situation with WF*** Yes, work remote most of the week.
Get bikini ready for Virgin Islands!!!! This was a great trip and I got into a swimsuit. This resolution is going to reappear for 2010!
**Post a blog entry at least once a week! Not even close.
1. Work out in the mornings. Or work out. I think I have a good 5-6 weeks before I get this one nailed.

2. Pick out a baby name. We are back at the drawing board. At least I will be able to check it off the list.

3. Learn how to make bows for Laney. I have tried, they are not wearable.

4. Watch the TV Series 24. I have been yearning to see this for a while now and need to make a marathon of it.
5. Blog book for 2009. Still working on- finish!!!!


andydawn said...

Great resolutions...at least you have some...I GAVE UP :)

Love miss laney's dress...i do have hope for Madelyn getting hair ;)

Unknown said...

Awesome!! Well, I could maybe help you with the bow-making, I used to make them for Jen and got some good reviews..... though the hot glue was not fun! >_<

Emily Suzanne said...

Still working on my resolutions... wrote out the bulk of them, plus a few way too lofty dreams... trying to decide if I want to post ALL of my resolutions and show the entire blogging world how much of a psychotic mess I am!! :)
Yours are attainable and inspiring, my friend!

carla's gateway said...

which blog to print are you using? I used "sharedbook" and it was good except switching out pics can be a problem....
adorable pic of Matt in the house!

Nominate someone or something in need said...

you are funny! at least you are brave enough to make new years resolutions:))