Thursday, February 11, 2010

3 to the 0!

I cannot believe I am 30! 30?!~?~?! Where did the time go?

Oh my goodness, this life goes by so fast. But what a trip it has been and how I couldn't be in a better spot. Wait, that might not be true at all but not a happier one! I have a wonderful family, a beautiful and smart daughter, a great job that is flexible, a MDO program that Laney is growing to love, a hard working husband and provider, am truly blessed with real friendships, and am growing a precious baby in my tummy. As terrible as I am at being pregnant, I love love love this baby. And I love the family we are quickly growing into.

Anyway, we had a simple celebration this year. I think next year Matthew and I will have a bash together since we are two weeks apart exactly. The impending arrival of our next heart beat has put everything to a halt for now. Talk aout humbling being 30 and pregnant. I just have to laugh at my life sometimes because these things seem to mix with to me. Just roll.....

Hopefully we will get to celebrate babies birthday very soon and then Matthew's too!

How I did love my twenties! I grew up a lot during those feisty years and changed so much in such a short period of time. I graduated college, traveled the world, lived on my own and supported myself completely (so proud of this!), ran into Matthew Crowell and quickly got engaged/married, had our baby girl, ran a marathon, lived in six different cities (Abilene, Sydney, Dallas, Waco, Round Rock, San Antonio), became pregnant with heart beat #2, and here we are at 30! And I am so happy to be alive and feel it!

Toot! Eating all my choc covered strawberries from work! I think she had half the box; seriously.

Now it is 40 that sounds old.....

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