Saturday, April 17, 2010

Two Months

Miss Landry is now known as "squeakers" by her Daddy. She is the cutest little noisy thing. And all Smiles............

At two months we are busy. Immediately following having Landry, I would have said having two children wasn't that hard or all that different. Now, I have no meaningful words. I would still say it is all wonderful hard or wonderfully harder. But again, not a door that I would pass back through. Landry is another sunshine that completes my heart.

Landry loves her wrist and fingers and, on occasion, finds her thumb. We found some of Laney's clothes that are just as adorable on Landry!

She loves to coo and make angry faces before she screeches her raptor cry. She just stares at me and it is precious. I know she adores me regardless if I have showered or brushed my teeth ( I now know these are luxuries for a mother of two!). All smiles all the time. Here we are at two months, April 17th.

She slept all the way through the night last night for the first time. Thank you Lord! I haven't slept like that, well, in months. After Lindsay's 30th Birthday Twilight Party we were worn out.

Her eyes are still as blue as they sky. I can't imagine them changing and being any other color but I know some baby's do.

I  love you Landry and I am so glad you are mine!


Gloria said...

Stumbled upon your blog today - your new little baby is ADORABLE! And your bigger girl is also so cute! Good luck to you with these precious girls.
Bet regards,

Alison said...

Have I told you yet how adorable she is??? How are you sweet friend? Isn't two so fun! It's so precious to see the big sisters with their little ones! I so wish we lived close!! I miss you! Kiss those two sweet girls for me! Love you!

allyo said...

Miss Landry is BEAUTIFUL!

Sarah said...

She is just growing up so fast, and I love her little face & expressions! I'm sure she amazes you daily. Hope you all are enjoying this special time together, and that we can talk & catch up soon!

Lots of love,