Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Landry is hitting milestones daily! She has started rolling over and at 3 1/2 months it seems she is doing everything quite quickly!

One of our nannies sent me this picture. She is holding her own bottle by herself! I am blessed with the individuals that help watch my girls and thankful. As hard as it is to be a working mother, I feel fortunate for the people that are able to help and impact my girls lives.

My Momma sent me these picutres of Landry when she was watching the girls, she is as happy as a clam! As I type this, I don't really know what that means. Still, she is a happy girl.

Hilarious picture to me. Because, Miss Laney told her Mickey that this was her dress. However, it is not, it is Miss Landry's dress. Little toot!

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

Your girls are just beautiful, Laura!