Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu

This last weekend we had a family reunion in Childress, TX. If anyone knows where in the world this itty town is deserves a gold star. It's close to Lubbock and Amarillo. In fact, it was a little ways past the Four Sixes Ranch, one of the largest ranches in Texas. It was quite beautiful to drive by and see the open pastures and extended landscape. It's almost what ones imagination would create Texas to look like before it was settled and disrupted. A few pics we stopped to take on the way back to A-town...

Back to our trip. Family trip. Chaos. Complete hectic madness. Quick recap:
Leaving Abilene took several trips back inside the house. In fact, the trip to Abilene from San Antonio began with car trouble. Screaming children. The arrival to Abilene began with an introduction to Lola, Lesley's new Maltese pup.  Heading to Childress was reminiscent of a soccer game in Midland and Odessa--flat and bare. Then desperation for a gas station and a blowout of the diaper. Hugs, catching up, laughing during an auction, thinking am I really related to her!?, and loving the new memory created with my family. I was happy to see my Paw Paw and the Mitchell side of the family we don't often see. What a gift God gives us in our families.  Then, more car problems finds stress trying to head back south.

What a weekend. Even still, I am thankful for the house full of people to love. The group picture did not take on my camera! I will have to go back and post once I receive from the photographer.

The Mitchell's. What precious siblings and Paw Paw. My Rangy was the best. I still miss her but see her in my mother and Aunt Susan.

Here is one of my family and Paw Paw.

Random, but, I enjoyed watching the World Cup too, which we are avidly following, with my Dad. I find soccer to be the only sport that I am engaged watching with sweaty palms and a nervous stomach. I remember when. Anyway, I'm not doing so great in my league with M's friends but I am loving following the games. We start our co ed league next Tuesday night! Eek! Matthew got all kinds of soccer gear for Father's Day.

Lastly, Lesley has decided to make an investment. Her name is Lola and she is adorable. Welcome to the Berg Family!

Although, Laney believes Lola is hers and was cheesing it up with her. I am certain we will have to make a puppy purchase one of these days.

I could not have made this gruesome trip without Matthew. It was hard because the weekend before I was in Dallas and driving five hours on the weekend with two little ones, then commuting during the week...this situation can make one sleepy!

Also, Redman and Lauren have set a date! There is a place, a dress, and the plans are underway. I am excited for more growth in our family and memories to make.

I have always thought Landry looks like my brother Landon, who looks like the Mitchell side of the family and where he gets his red hair! Thoughts?

Our troopers. Laney has always been the traveler by nature. Landry was born and forced into it. She loathes the car seat and cries immediately every day and every single time I sit her in it. She loves her little elephant toy though and her thumb is soothing.

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

Good chaotic memories!! :)
I like what you said about being thankful for a houseful of people to love....