Monday, August 09, 2010

A Whole Weeks Worth of Work!

Our summer school program that Miss Laney is in is out until September. Although I have help, there are moments with me, the girls, and work. These moments are worth remembering....

Laney holding Landry under my desk. Territorial? Nah.

Landry was at my feet, I lookedup and she was across the room. I can only guess she was trying to get to my shoe? Otherwise she might have been trying to run away.

Laney found a stroller that my parents had bought on the Riverwalk for her once upon a time. She wanted to put Landry in it. So we did and it was too cute seeing Laney push her around the house, in and out of each room. They were both entertained.

Bubble Time proves distracting for both of my children. The bubbles filled the room so fast it was a wonderland of shiny soap!
Nap time.This is when I get most of my work done. Or when they are both still asleep from the land of nod and I'm greeting my first cup of coffee.
Working from home isn't such a bad thing. With all the chaos, I truly get more done than when I'm present in the office. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I'm probably more motivated to get the work done under pressure at home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love them!!!!