Thursday, October 21, 2010

Eight Months of Landry

These days just rush on by, in tiny flashes filled with precious moments. Landry is all over everything in her short life. What a little handful. A handful and chunk that I adore! She eats with the best of them and grunts at us when we don't feed her on cue. She has six teeth now too! A healthy, happy, and growing little girl.

She is still pulling up on everything and getting braver every day. She has started wrinkling her nose when she smiles in an adorable way. Her eyes, still, are brilliantly blue and her hair is growing in and still light in hue.

Landry is not crazy about bath time. Except, in the kitchen sink! I think because she can sit up and the kitchen is her favorite room in the house apparently. She is always racing into the cooking spot, even if we are all in the living room!

I love this face, she is right about to wrinkle her nose. I have been unsuccessful in catching it on camera! But her crooked little smile and wrinkle of the nose melt my heart every time.

My absolute favorite observation is the love that I witness between Laney and Landry. I know a sister's love but I never got to witness in from this point of view. It's innocent, pure, and perfect.

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