Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Any Turkey Can Tango!

 We had Laney's Thanksgiving Feast and Festival last week. She had been practicing her songs around the house for quite some time. Thus, I was eager to see what the fuss was about. I had no clue what "any turkey tango" was as she waltzed through the kitchen with a pretend fan in her hand.
Here she is enjoying her Feast!

Her teacher (whom we love!) told me they had to move Laney to the front because she was so into the songs. Usually only the preschoolers participate but Laney's class got to be part of the program this year.

How it cracks me up how outgoing she is when it comes to music and dancing. Definetely not like her Momma in this arena!

The minute she spotted us a smile quickly spread across her face. She was coordinated and in sync with the sign language and everything! I could not have been more proud of my little pilgrim.

Adorable and sweet these moments are. I truly believe, as I get older, that the best years just keep coming! I love the excitement I feel going to watch my children live their life and grow into their personalities.

Truly, and according to Laney--All we really need is a song in our heart, food in our belly, and the love of our Family! 


Finally an Abrigg..... said...

This makes my heart swell. :) Tirus spends hours dribbling the soccer ball around the house. Ridiculously good coordination. That, my friends, was not taught by this momma!

Unknown said...

She is the cutest Pilgrim I ever saw!!!What a sweet memory for all of you!!

Dave said...

Bravo for correct who/whom usage!