Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Princess "Cerella" and her Pumpkin

Happy Halloween All!

What an impression this dress up day makes always taking me back to my own childhood. It was the spooky day of the year that we were allowed to dress up in whatever we "wanted to be" and we got to wear some of Momma's make up and stomp around Helena Circle with the neighbors! The candy part had to be my favorite. Dumping it out on the floor to see what my favorite piece (s) collected through out the night were. There were younger years of blue birds and fireflies, cheerleaders, soccer players, penguins (Andrea and waddle waddle!) and elves. Then more recently witches, Tinkerbell, and a pregnant cheerleader. This year I, apparently, grew up and out of time.

The fun that we had Trick or Treating with the girl's isn't conveyable via blog spot or email. Seeing the children in costume with skeptical grins and scratching at their uncomfortable, and adorable, costumes running from door to door in eagerness for that next piece of candy kept a constant grin on my face.

For Laney's 3rd Halloween to she was Cinderella or as she would say "Princess Cerella." The fitting part of the night was the losing of the shoes (not glass and not just one). The attitude Laney held herself in all night acting like a princess was hysterical and precious. What a sweet young lady.

Baby Blue Eyes was her pumpkin! Remember the one that "bippiti boppiti booed" into the stagecoach?  She was a happy girl even though she was stuck in a few itchy clothing items.

This picture is Laney telling Landry to sit still for a picture. This look is kind of familiar.

I still can't seem to catch both of them looking at the camera simultaneously.
 As we were leaving the house Landry wanted to take a little nap. She cheered up and we had a fabulous time stomping up and down Argo and Normandy.

Quick Story of the Night: Alamo Heights brings in buses to the neighborhood and we (embarrassed!) ran out of candy at the Crowell household. Apparently I did not buy enough chocolate and had to give out organic lollipops from Whole Foods (they are actually delicious)! During this frantic time, I observed my oldest daughter pleading with me to give away her own candy she had collected through the night. Shocked, and instinctively, I thought of the twix and snickers we'd be giving away. But the joy she would find in opening the door and sharing her candy was worth every missed calorie. It's amazing the lessons our children can teach us in such unexpected and memorable times.

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

Ya'll are all so cute! I love your headband...and Landry's skirt and Laney's obvious princess attitude (I can see it even in the pics!)