Sunday, November 21, 2010

Soccer Tots

My Laney is playing soccer! I can't believe how excited I get seeing her run around on the field.
Laney loves running and soccer now too. She witnesses me doing these things and, naturally, wants to give them a try.

She calls her practice at Soccer Tots "my soccer not yours."

Running. Pushing her in the BOB is much harder these days than it used to be. But, now, she wants to run beside me! On a nonbusy street in our neighborhood I allow it. I remember when I would see children run in races and along side their parents and though to myself "crazy parents!" Now, I understand that it's the imitating of these "crazy" parents. I will happily allow Laney to do these things to open the door into an active lifestyle.

I love her observant stance and watching the boys. Did I mention she is the only girl on the team?!

 Laney and her pink soccer ball! My Dad got this for her at my first baby shower. We have misplaced the matching shinguards but I'm guessing they will turn up.

Her shot on goal.....

The pride she displays after kicking the ball in the goal makes my heart swell!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Makes my heart swell,too. Brings back sweet memories. It's like having a second chance with you!!