Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Faces of Landry

Landry Anne. Going through my phone and looking at the many faces of this three year old. I adore this little blondie. She has such a fire in her belly and is fiesty by nature.

Looking at you through the camera lens over the past few months my baby girl.

Ballet and trying on your recital outfit. I think you liked it and are a precious pink ballerina!

A couple of french braids done by Miss Maura!

Playing tea party after you talked me into this set at Disney World. After I strategically planned all of yals souveniers from the dollar aisle at Target. Yet, I cannot tell you no very well.

Happy little girl.
Making a picnic for "the family" and this includes Matthew, Me, Laney, and Landry. Without one of us it is not complete. She is very big on the family unit.

Blow drying her hair.

Up close and personal!

Silly sitting at Jamba Juice!


Napping with Mommy. Clearly, not going as planned.
Swim "soup" as Landry calls hers.

Stretching at Ballet

Eating the last bit of brownies and caught in action!

Shades on the way back from Abilene.

Disney having dessert with me!

Silly goose!
Birthday ice cream. One of my favorite Landry pictures.

Fell asleep on the couch in the shop while Daddy was working.

Helping work the cows over Easter.

Wearing my shoes and going to the "ball".
Sweet girl with a dimple.

My baby girl.
Another being funny moment.

Really listening intently on her Daddy telling a story.

Eating cake at Laney's Tee Ball Party!
VBS catching bubbles!

Sleepy baby girl.

Mad. I remember this picture from Kristen's wedding. She was not happy and soon to find out why she had a blow out! Not. cool.

Summertime at the spectrum

Our first boat ride!

Sick baby girl.

Get well from Mickey.

Silly goose!

Breaking into the fridge.

Beautiful Tinkerbell!

Laney's pj's that Landry grew into.

Going to see Rapunzel at the Magik Theatre!

Thank you for these Courtney!!! These are precious, summertime pictures of Landry Anne.


1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

oh my gosh...she is so adorable. I love miss Landry!