Thursday, July 18, 2013

July Flies By......

We've had a busy first half of July and been on the go with activities, trips to the pool, and hanging out. I suppose we are trying to keep busy and also well rested with the impening arrival of Baby Crowell #3. And we are all ready to meet this little one.

In the meantime, here are a few things we've been up to...

Late night weekend movie in Mommy's bed and baby t shirts!

Getting ready to sell the Acura. This was my first car to purchase on my own. It brought two babies home from the hospital, carried 183,000 miles and my commute to Austin, a few fender benders, a dead deer, and seven years of memories. Just a car but I sure loved this one. And it was good to me.

Swim lessons and going off the diving board. This might have been forced but Landry did it!

All is well that ends well. And Landry got a medal!

Playing at Courtney's new casa.
Going to see a movie!

My Laney loving on me. She has been so sweet to my big ol belly and taking care of her Momma! She will blow dry and brush my hair. Sweet Laney.
Dancing before breakfast and daddy making pancakes. He makes the very best in the whole world too!

Holding Landry like a baby as we are getting the guest room/nursery set up.

Love this picture of Landry that CD took. Playing in the pool!

Trying to take a nap and pictures of us; sweet little Landry.

Cantaloupe at the park.

At the doctor's office with Mommy. The girls were at every appointment until 38 weeks!

Bed head.
Playing Super Why and learning!

Sweet shower at Bird Bakery from Emily and Megan. Love these West Texas girls and that we share the same roots.

Emily and Jen and I on the way to the shower.

Little Landry trying to take a nap.
Laney practicing changing diapers.

Landry practicing "feeding the baby".....

Baking French Breakfast Puffs from the Pioneer Woman's cookbook.

A tea party typically happens daily at our house...
The Twig bookstore and picking out a few fun reads.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Y'all have a learning tower?! I want to get L one of those soon...