Well we kick started in high gear back to school and First Spirit Day!
Rollerskating with the girlies.
Oh Leyt Leyt. You and your love of stuffed animals.
B set up a little birthday for Leyt Leyt. Our 3 year old!
Enjoying the ranch with the Menzels. Loved showing them around.
Leyton's first day of school!
Get it Crowell
We got flocked!
And a whole lot of soccer....
Too hot. Just too hot. Poor Leyt Leyt.
The 3rd grade Bible opening and presentation at AHUMC.
Cuddles with Ranger.
And kitties...
Bumpaw and his girls!
Leyton. Just so big.
Holding my hand. Because I don't know when this stops but never want it to end.
1 comment:
She cracks me up LOL! She looks goofy and cute all at the same time! I displayed her life size and she appeared to be directly in front of me. That was really cool! https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiDZd1xFJw6MWjGhFKqmECrFeLvL9Co38gpKxNB_Jl3oedyX848-dz6mqTBeS_ktrVmBwbcSKZajeeCdxwmYS0Jg1ipzBnWzUTWLPjwmfPuMfoF1Fv0wK_15RpETRwChXS_FcK7Hw/s0/IMG_8024.JPG
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