Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pulling the trigger. Finally.

At last, I have decided when to run my first marathon. Four months from today.

September 14, 2008.

Why then one might ask? Well, the whole formula in my mind has always been to run one before Laney's first birthday. Why? That I don't know. I'm anal and have rules in my head that don't make scientific or perfect sense but I follow these rules relentlessly. Thus, September 14, 2008 I will be in St. Charles, MO.

Truthfully, the location of the marathon was chosen "purely" based on date and my procrastination- for there were several to choose from. Well, I couldn't do Hawaii because of the expense, Colorado with the altitude, Pennsylvania is a bit far and Canada is too. After research and going with my gut---Missouri you are the one! And I'm glad there is a casino there for Matthew's entertainment. And that he loves the story of Lewis and Clark. I need to be more of a history guru for Laney's sake. Back to the marathon....

Finally. I have been waiting for this. And I will have my precious baby girl to greet me after the grueling 26.2.

I began training a few weeks ago. The progress and complaints can be checked out at :

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