Monday, June 23, 2008

Same Girls

You know those friends that you don't see every day or talk to every month but from the moment you see them you pick up right where you left off? Same girls.

It has been since my wedding when I'd seen my college room mates! Well, Lea Ann and Em. And Emily got married this last Saturday in Houston. It was a lovely wedding and she is one of the strongest girls I know. Her mother has been ill for a long time now and she wasn't able to make the wedding ceremony. Emily's father was still able to walk her down the aisle and then he went home to be with her mother during the reception. She was a beautiful bride and I'm so damn proud of her for being as strong as she is. It literally broke my heart, life isn't fair.

Thank goodness for the crying room because Laney was talking the entire time! Taking this girl to a wedding wore me out. Matthew went to play golf with James and I met up with Kristen.

And I also got to see my La! Liz, another roommate, is pregnant with baby Owen and she is adorable prego. She is four months along and you'd never know it.
Kristen and babies. She loves them and I was so glad to have her help me during the wedding and reception. Laney loves Kris too. Lea Ann was entertaining L with the jelly beans in the box and is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful girls I know.
My Girl came on. And I have learned it's better to do things in life you might regret than to regret not doing them. So L and I danced by ourselves on the dance floor. Kristen caught this picture and I absolutely love it. Me and my little heartbeat danced and danced. I am thankful for every little moment I have with Laney.

1 comment:

S, J, B, & S said...

Hi Laura! My name is Summer and I'm a friend of Brittney Poe's. Anyway, I have read your blog for awhile ... Laney is sooo adorable! And it is SUCH A SMALL WORLD! I went to elementary, middle school, and high school with Emily Farr! I was reading the post about her wedding and I was thinking, hmmm, that sounds like Emily ... and I looked back at the picture and it is her! Anyway, just had to comment on this one! Hope you had a Happy 4th!