Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Jourth of Fuly Weekend

Ever since college I have called the 4th of July the Jourth of Fuly. A little girl I used to babysit accidentally always called it this. And it stuck in my head. But I thought it was cute and as long as I embrace the meaning I suppose it doesn't really matter what we call it. And I heart the Fourth of July! fireworks are one of my favorite things and I think that they might be one of L's too! Kisses Laney! I love her open mouth slobber or little pucker that she loves to give me now. We just giggle!

We had a good holiday in Fredericksburg at the ranch. Aunt Kicket and Uncle Nick headed to the hill country with us and we had a grand time showing them what we do at the ranch. We are so dang excited about these two becoming parents. And Lanes is excited to have Baby Blake as one of her best friends!
Some of our time at the ranch included swimming, showing the Blake's the new cow worker deal (Richard I can't remember the proper term), meeting Great Aunt Annie, and of course watching the fireworks!


carla's gateway said...

That is some big bow on that pretty little head.. but so very cute too. Guns are a bit scary to me too...but what would you rather have ifr a rattlesnake is by your little one... a stick a rock or a "snakecharmer"? (yes, Troy got both girls and me SCs one Christmas for just that purpose) have I fired more than merely seeing if I could... not YET! Thank the LORD! but I would. You do look like you know what you're doing with the assault weapon.. now, what is Matt gonna have you assault? (yes, we'd probably RUN first in the snake incident!)

Jessica and Matt said...

Laura, you look AMAZING! Seriously! And that little girl is a doll!