Saturday, July 19, 2008


Time stops for no one and ten months has promptly arrived for L. This is such a busy stage being her Momma. She keeps me on my toes and chasing after her. I know I am still in for a ride as the years progress. I just don't know how she got this big! Yeah for ten months!

There are many things in this moment of time I don't want to forget, ten of them are:

1. The way Laney open mouth kisses (then bites) on demand. I love her six teeth!

2. The way she will try to imitate what we say. Baby babble is the best. If only we knew what she was thinking.

3. How she laughs and giggles soft and sweet.

4. Her demands when she wants my drink, my food, me to hold her, or to play & pull on my hair.

5. Her giggle when we tickle her knees, belly, tummy& feet!

6. How she tries to nurse on my belly button, what is that about? It is flipping hilarious.

7. The way she rubs her eyes and stretches when she first wakes up.

8. How she will just stand up and sit down, curious to walk but still not sure about it. Unless it involves something she wants. She then quickly forgets the fear.

9. The faker face she makes when she wants to throw a tantrum or when she thinks she is in trouble.
.....caught crawling under the bassinet that she never slept in!

10. Bath Time; this is such a battling & silly time. Laney tries to stand up constantly and does not want in the tub if I'm not. Still, she always races to the bathroom when she hears the tub running and tries to crawl over the ledge to get in!

Happy Ten Months Laney Kate!


andydawn said...

Look at that BIG girl almost walking :) RUN Laney RUN...make your momma chase after you :)

Emily Suzanne said...

aww! She's a cutie!

Lesley said...

Happy 10 months baby girl! I love you all, and I can't wait to see you this weekend! Sister, you look beautiful!

Sarah Durham said...

Hi Laura,
I love to look at your blog! I found you on Andrea's page. Your little Laney is just beautiful!

wes&holly said...

She's really 10 months already?!? Gosh...she's so stinkin cute. I love your list!

carla's gateway said...

adorable... all these BABIES!!! yall are gonna have such a cute pic for the JN reunion (surely the CHS and JNHS won't have conflictual times??? do they?)