Saturday, August 23, 2008

Eleven Months

* I almost forgot to post this, sorry? We took these on 8/19.

I could not seem to catch Laney to get pictures of her at eleven months for anything. But they are still pretty cute of her ruffly booty!

Eleven months; it truly just gets sweeter and sweeter! My heart beat now looks at that first picture of her sonogram when she was just an itty blinking light and found out she was truly there. Babies are miracles.
Touch down! Matthew and I will put our hands up and say TD and she follows suit..
This past month Laney really took off walking and playing games with me. She absolutely knows what I am saying and understands more than I thought she would at this point.Which is good and bad. She doesn't like to sit down in the bath tub and I have to fuss at her but she laughs at me. She really loves blowing kisses and waving bye bye to everyone. She loves kissing! She really loves shaking her head no! She loves playing with blocks and her little tractor. She has seven teeth! My little chomper. Laney transitioned up to the new class at day care and is such a big girl now! She has a boy best friend that will cry when she leaves; and vice versa. I can't possibly think of all the changes but she is growing up. Baby has totally left and I have a toddler on my hands that chases me! I am so glad you are mine Laney! I love this questioning me look.

This month will be full of scrambling to plan her party, train for a marathon, plan a couple of baby showers, and to just function daily. This too shall pass. But this sweet summer, it has been my hardest and the best of my life. Thanks Laney!


andydawn said...

Love the ruffle booty :) What a big girl!! She is sooo precious! I want that outfit for my lil M!

Lesley said...

I miss y'all so much!!

Stacy J. and Lindsay B. said...

Laura Berg!! (I don't know your new last name) Kelby gave me your blog because I asked him where you ended up. Your daughter is so freaking cute! I want to hear email me ( and let me know where you have been the last 5 years since I have seen or talked to you!

Emily Suzanne said...

She's so beautiful and has such a sweet mommy who loves her! I love reading your posts, Laura, because you just exude motherly love :)
Also, is it weird that I remember wearing ruffly panties when i was a little girl?? :)