Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Port A

I am not quite sure where to start. I don't really want too blog today but I really need too.

M and L and I went to the beach in Port A and then Colorado with the Berg's. Laney has been walking for a while now and is into everything! She tries to run away from me and holding her just doesn't happen. The adventure at the airport was insane. She ran over to a mother and her children and just sat in this ladies arms! What else, well, my employer just went through hefty lay offs. Today I still have a job but dang. Things have been a bit off kilter (I don't really know if I am spelling this correctly) but life is still good. And I have a marathon in a month, less actually. I really don't know why I've piled my plate so high.
Here are pictures from Port A for a quick update. I know I have not been a great blogger lately. But I will update with pictures from Colorado and eleven months sometime this week.

Since Australia, I have always dreamt of a "beach baby". The toddlers barely walking and holding onto their Momma's hands or playing in the sand with their pales and shovels. I saw dozens and dreamt of someday. These sun kissed babies; they always seemed so happy. Maybe our experience was because it was a Texas beach and not North Carolina or California or best yet Australia. Or just too hot. Laney was not impressed and not the beach babe I dreamt of. She hates sand and would try to jump into our arms the instant her feet touched the ground. Her nose would scrunch and she would squeal. And I just giggled because I should have known this. How could I have expected this strong and stubborn child of mine to love something that I tried to push onto her?! Lesson learned. Still, I am glad we got to take her before she turned a year old. Simply, I love the beach and Laney will someday; or so I hope. I am keeping my fingers crossed she grows into this vacation preference of mine. This face sums up how Laney really felt.

At least she loves the pool.....

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