Thursday, September 04, 2008

My Tink

Laney, Laney, Laney! Ahhh so much to update but I am fighting for time. Let me attempt a recap over the last few weeks......

We have conversations about everything. She was talking to me about my camera lens here. Just chatting even though I don't know what she is saying exactly, she does. She loves bye bye and yeah. And she says Momma and Dadda of course. But she will repeat things we say or imitate those sounds. First word, hard to say. I would have to say "Bye Bye" because she knows what it means and the hand motion. But we will see what solid object she points out. She is a mess! But her favorite thing to eat lately is watermelon. She can stash it away! The irony is that I craved watermelon more than anything when I was pregnant.
She is walking everywhere! And she moved up to the next class at day care. She is now a caterpillar and trying to adjust. It has been hard cutting down on the nap time but she is such a big girl. She moved up with Noah and Carlos; her bosom buddies. Here are N & L at his first birthday!
She loves little people chairs! I got her the one below from the Pottery Barn for her birthday that she loves too. But I have to hide it in the guest room and am trying to maker her wait.

Matthew's new nick name for Laney is "Lovey" because she isn't "Little" anymore. I call her My Tink because she is always wearing Tinkerbell nightgown. And for Halloween that is what I think I'll dress her as. And here she is running around as Tink! Sleeping Tinkerbell....


Kelly | Fabulous K said...

Hey there!! Hope you are well!! I think we need to update your blog look with a free makeover :)

Email me at fabulouk at ymail dot com

:) Kelly

Sarah Durham said...

You have such a sweet baby! I can tell she is a spunky little thing! Great to hear from you : )

Lesley said...

sister!! precious pictures! she's running now?! freaking crazy...can't wait to see y'all...two weeks. call you when I can. surgery is kicking my butt.

allyo said...

I love ya little Tink!

Emily Suzanne said...

Aww! She seem to be so full of energy... I LOVE when kids are this age and so energetic! Those action shots of her running with her tinkerbell gown on made me laugh! ;)
Can't wait to meet her and you, Miss Laura~
I'm also about to start seriously shopping at Whole Foods and trying to figure out our budget with all that. aaahh~! Going to mix that with superTarget deals.

Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY!!!! I know you will do great....can't wait to hear all about it. Wish I could be there.

love you tons,

Jessica and Matt said...

Laney is such a doll!!! I especially love the pics of her running--so cute!!!

Okay--random question... Brittney said that she thinks you may have tried the G Diapers... Did you? What did you think? I'm really thinking I would like to use them, but wanted to talk with others who have, first. Thx!