Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pics from the weekend....

I was really excited about the weekend in St. Charles and so was my Momma! She tooks pics of me doing everything from getting my number, to the pasta dinner, laying out my clothes the night before and right before my race. I was truly supported by my family and for that alone, I'm really lucky. Pasta dinner. Matthew went to get me Olive Garden because I wanted spaghetti. Brat. Laying out my clothes with Lanes! Heading home. I was pretty sad but ready to get back to Texas. The irony, the last song before my Ipod went out was Come Back To Texas. And Matthew had told me after the cancellation happened he knew I would regret not doing my first one in the Lone Star State. He is probably right. And Waco, where my running obsession began, is pretty fitting to run the first marathon.
A little store on Main Street in St. Charles called Laura's La Petite or Laura's Little! Laney and I were playing while Matthew took pictures of the arch. I love this one my Momma took. The arch in St. Louis is known as the gateway to the west. We could have gone in the elevator up it but I am too afraid of heights. I had enough stress with the anticipation of the race. These are all the pics from my Mom's camera. I have some more on mine that I will post later of Laney! It is her birthday on Friday! Yippee!


Emily Suzanne said...

I'm glad you guys had fun! We used to drive through St. Louis all the time and I always though that arch looked so scary! I wouldn't have gone up in it either!! :)
Your marathon is just around the corner and at least you got a good trip out of the deal!

Sarah Durham said...

You are so brave to even want to run a marathon! So sorry it was canceled but you are going to kick booty in Waco!

Roman's Roost said...

Wow! Your story make me want to run a marathon. You go girl! I can't wait to hear about your Waco adventure. You sound like you got a great guy too! And your daughter is precious.....

Meg said...

hi laura. you are going to think i am a total blog stalker but maybe i kind of am :). i found your blog off of brittney poe's a long time ago while you were still pregnant...she wrote something about your "miracle baby" or something and linked to your site. i was intrigued by your story b/c i am a runner too! i have run 13 marathons, i just write a running post in fact! i am so so sorry your race got called after 10 miles. i live in waco so i know all about the waco marathon. i know you will do great. ENJOY IT!! ~meg