Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jim Ned, Nuf Said Class of 1998

This is the quote I hear over and over from my husband when we try to compare JNHS and CHS. This last weekend we had his ten year reunion. What a coincidence they were back to back! Matthew did quite a lot of work for his in the midst of practice court! And going out of town on the weekends is hard for us when we don’t have each other during the week. But it was a sweet time for him to see old friends and I enjoyed going down memory lane with him. It is such a warm and loving group. It wasn’t so different than ours at Cooper; it’s just everyone seemed to belong to everyone at JN. Which is a nice feeling in a small community.

Friday night we went to the football game. Laney was all over the place! She got to see Granny V and SlickPaw.
Saturday we had the picnic for the kids and family. Laney just played and played. And she hearts little Troy. He didn’t mind her to much either. I have a hugger and a kisser on my hands! I don't know how many times they hugged but I have TONS of pics. Toot!
We took a lot of group pics and it was really nice how I kept getting included; considering I am not a JN Indian. Saturday afternoon my Momma and I made a quick trip to get Laney a little baby stroller. She is so hilarious! She just pushed it all around, would climb into it, pull it; whatever. And she is still playing with it!
Saturday night was the reunion. Matthew and Elly did a great job with the food, decorations, cleaning up and organizing the entire thing! I think it was a success!


Sarah Durham said...

How fun! Shout out to Miles' cousin Carlotta :) I saw her in the pics. I didn't realize your hubby went to school with her.

Sarah Durham said...

I AM a nervous wreck about the cheerios but have decided that I must let her try new things :) I stay VERY close by and freak at any sort of gagging noises! Glad to know that I am not the only one!

Emily Suzanne said...

It was good to meet you, laura... wish we could've talked more... How was Laney? Does she feel okay?

The Perkins Family said...

Hey Laura! It was great to meet you and I look forward to seeing you again soon! Laney is so cute and I love seeing her pictures on the blog!

carla's gateway said...

PRICELESS! and I agree... this "reunion" was truly that... a reunion! What adorable pictures of that handsome young man with your little princess! love your heart Laura