Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fourteen Months & Few of L's Favorite Things

Fourteen Months is proving to be the most challenging, and visibly rewarding, time as a parent; thus far. Laney seems to be learning more every day and telling us all about it. I thought I'd capture in pictures some of her favorite things (& mine!) this past month.

Laney's RED purse. She found it in my closet one day and it has quickly become her Lovey. Any time it is near she promptly puts it around her neck.
Our favorite game where she runs circles through my legs. She enjoys this with Mommy and a water game with Daddy. She is quite silly with her entertainment choices.
Do not take Laney's spoon!!! It is her favorite utensil to eat with and she gets quite upset when you try to pry it out of her itty fingers. She hasn't 100% mastered using it but isn't shabby at all. Sorry to sound braggy but she loves her spoon. Favorite place in the entire world, our bed. Co Sleeping, ahh the mess we have made. But she is happy and I love snuggling next to her. Laney's favorite way to behave in public, running from us on the ground! Laney has mastered running away from us. Whether it be in a department store or the front yard; Laney wants down and to play chase.
Favorite puzzler. Sort of, she takes off the lid of my Vaseline and puts it back on. She is pressing it down with all her might. Good Job Laney!

Favorite sleeping position; L always seems to find her mouth and have her hands by it. This could be due to her teething as of late but her hand is always a close comfort.

Favorite song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and yeahhhh we sing it! She was clapping and saying yeah.Laney has her lion and princess ride toy that she is always on. Favorite toys. She has recently learned how to stand up on them. Awesome. Laney's favorite room in the house is the kitchen. Why one might ask, well, the cabinets and the refrigerator. Have we child proofed? Nah. She just plays with all the Tupperware, dishes, condiments on the lower shelves of the fridge and we just pick them up. It keeps her happy while I do the dishes or cook dinner. Mostly just the dishes because who are we kidding; I am not a Suzy Home Maker.
Favorite Sunday afternoon, or Monday night, past time. Daddy watches the game and Laney mostly does too.
My favorite; all of it. Everything last little thing she does that makes her Laney. Whether she cracks me up or drives me mad; she amazes me and holds my heart. I love the tone she uses when we have a conversation and I know she is telling me something. Or when she gets frustrated and just grunts about it. Or when she sneezes to find snot all over her face and she yells at me to clean it off. Favorite, the way she says "bye" with a southern twantg. I treasure all the precious time that goes on and on and everything I've learned at this point in the game. This is all good stuff. The sweet way she will lay her head on our shoulders. My bright eyes and the way hers sparkle when she is happy.

Her hair! It is getting a little curl and longer! And it is almost exactly the color of mine!


Roman's Roost said...

How cute! I love seeing your new blog updates. Laney seems like a little Laura Sue.

Leigh Ann said...

What a cute post! She is such a doll!

Elly Doran said...

Your family is too cute. Thanks for the encouragment.

Carolyn said...

I love reading your blogs because I can hear you saying what you are writing. I love Laney!!!! I gave you a Fabulous Blog award on my blog, check it out. Love you!