Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Honesty is the Best Policy

So...I've been tagged by The Poe Fam blog and have to tell the truth about myself! Like I'm not too honest already! So.....10 facts about me that you probably didn't know before, if you know me real well you know you know my love's and hate's.

Here are the rules:

1) Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.

2) Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were tagged...
3) List at least 10 honest things about yourself.

1. I refuse to color my hair. I won't do it. I used too. And I miss it, yes, I miss that feeling of glossiness and shine after a new hair coloring. Phobia. After Andrea's wedding (thank GOSH your dresses were burgundy red!!!!!) and my hair turning purple, then black, and feeling like Wednesday on the Adam's family, seven years later I am still too fearful. And my hair is 100% natural! I do have to say, I miss it, but I am okay with my color. I don't even know what I'd do to it!

2. I loathe ham. Ham products, pig, ugh. The texture is slimy and the taste is just not appealling to me. I will eat crunchy and burned bacon. That is enough pork for me.

3. My favorite panties are boy short from American Eagle. I used to love Abercrombie but since they don't make them! I love comfy panties, favorite thing ever. Especially to sleep in. I am all about the comfort.

4. I hate flying. That statement isn't entirely true, it's the take off part I despise. The flight isn't too bad. The feeling of not being in control though, yuck. Makes my hands sweat thinking about it. I don't know how I ever made the flight to Australia.

5. The sound of someone filling their nails makes me cringe. Like the chalkboard thing for some people, it is a nail filer for me. Getting my nails done, there always comes the part where they are filing. It's just unbearable.

6. Andrea---You keep popping up. Well, there was this one time in high school where I busted my oil pan. We were going somewhere one morning and driving my 1985 standard BMW (as awesome as I always drove) I jumped the curb. My Dad fixed it and it seemed fine with the gunk he put on it. But the one thing my Dad told us was not to get on the highway. Yeah, what did we do, we went to the lake with some boys and I busted it again?!!?!?1! So we stuck bubble gum on it, thinking that would solve the problem and my Dad wouldn't notice. Wow. We are, errr were, smart!

7. I love to sweat! I am serious and I know it's gross. Not just anytime but after a good work out or good run. That is my favorite feeling because I know I've just busted my booty to get those endorphins!

8. I don't drink water. I try but I am terrible about it. I fill up a bottle water on my desk every day. And it just sits. I do try. And after I run if I crave it I do. I am chronically dehydrated I bet. But Diet A&W Root Beer is my fav drink ever ever ever ever ever!!!! No caffeine and no calories. I just love it. And I never drink root beer. Strange love.

9. I eat peeps and gummy bears in a weird way. They have to have been sitting out to where they aren't "too soft" and a little "chewy". About a day on average, that usually gets it right for me. It's a texture thing.

10. I have eaten an entire pizza by myself. My whole face ate a pizza. I'm serious. Please note, it was from Pizza Hut and thin crust. I blame the crust. No seriously, 8 slices, just me, I didn't share a bite. And no, it wasn't after labor and I wasn't pregnant. Did I mention, it was a large?

I choose:

1. Andrea- Because you are my bffeaetwdsbs and I want more pics of that baby! I mean, you're not busy or anything ;), can't wait wait wait to see you!

2. Carebear- b/c you tagged me and I'm trying to catch up still! Pics of Baby Jaxson and Lanes soon, swears!

3. Stephanie- b/c I know you won't want to do this and we are still dealing with quarter close and I love new things about you!

4. Brent- whatever you say will always shock me but I think I would probably know.

5. Lindsay- you are so sweet and I probably know what you'd say but I want some dirt!

6. Leigh Ann- I miss you, update please! October?! I thought you were a stalker and disher!

7. Alison Hughes- b/c you are precious!!!!!!!!!!! And so is Chloe and we took a few years to catch back up, I don't want to have missed anything!


Anonymous said...


Emily Suzanne said...

This is funny! I too hate ham and love AE panties!!!
I also like to sweat, but don't take the time to do it... I really need to.