Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's Reflections

I feel like last year was simply a blink away. Here we all sit in 2009. In my head, I've already been in 2009 for a few months with work, but that's a fiscal year and too confusing. For the first time, I spent a New Year's at home in front of the television. It was the most relaxing, quiet, and non eventful NY Eve I have ever had. And it's pretty unlike me to just sit. It was wonderful. And it was what I needed this year and at this point in time; perfect. Although, I broke a long time tradition with Kristen and Crick and Nick. That was heartbreaking.
But I enjoyed being in pj's with Landon & Lauren & Laney & M. We watched The Hulk, Iron Man, and Batman; it was the night of superheroes! We ordered in Chili's hamburgers, watched the fireworks that were nicely displayed right in our backyard, ate a whole batch of brownies, and at midnight we did sparklers! (I never saw the three planets and the sliver of the waxing moon (my favorite Cheshire cat!) because it was too cloudy!!!)

Laney watching the ball drop with us, yes, she was awake at midnight and beyond. Bad parenting, I know I know. But it was so much fun having the NY with her!

Here are some of my resolutions from last year in no particular order. Most of them feel fulfilled and others fell by the wayside. As I read through I realize they are kind of like my daily to do lists. If I don't check them off I get panicky, ridiculous! And others continue onto my new list:

2008***Think before I buy! Am I being selfish?****Wear big earrings! ( I loathe this and always take them off!)******Tell Laney every day how much I love her!*****Listen More*****Read a new book every two weeks********Don't tolerate "snideness"****Quit being critical of my body---beautiful baby Laney*****Keep a clean kitchen***** Be consistent about church******Enjoy the weekends without work!*****Take showers in the am vs pm*****Talk to every family member every week!*****Drink more water and remember you are what you eat--be a well oiled machine!(Um- I really wrote that, cracks me up!)******Run a marathon******Take the stairs at work****Be positive*******Tell Matthew every morning I love him MTA!

Welcome 2009***** Wear purple! I never wear it, not fond of this color but it has grown on me! Run another marathon Julyish???***** Buy a house in San Antonio- (this will be close since we are going to save monies and rent first)********Learn to Love Veggies and Chicken****Patience Patience Patience******Take the D*&( GMAT ***Learn how to use Photoshop****Start THINKING about baby #2 ( I use thinking because there are still a few things to check off the list before this summer)*** Figure out work situation with WF*** Get bikini ready for Virgin Islands!!!! ***Post a blog entry at least once a week!

I will certainly come up with some more, as I like to have a big list!

Happy New Year Everyone!


Unknown said...

Laura, Matthew and Laney,

You do not know us but we are good friends of Richard and Virginia's. Spencer Taylor, my husband, and Richard went to school together and grew up together. I met Richard while we were dating. I was looking on some of my scrapbooking blogs and there was a place that said click here for top rated Abilene blogs. Well, I clicked and there was the name, Matthew Crowell. I decided that had to be Richard and Virginia's son. I have had so much fun looking at all the photos of Laney and of you and Matthew, too. What a beautiful little girl. I loved seeing the photos of her first birthday party. Spencer laughed so hard when he saw that Richard had given his precious little granddaughter a ROCK for her first birthday. After a while though I explained the symbolism of what that rock represented to her. It was her heritage and that ranch will come to mean so much to her. We haven't been out there in a long time but we enjoy going too. We saw Richard recently when he came by to visit. Our Chihuahua, Princess Diana, promptly bit him!! Only Richard. Sure hope you don't mind a stranger looking at all your photos. We've sure had fun though.

Happy New Year to your little family.

Gayle and Spencer Taylor
Abilene, TX

andydawn said...

Happy New Year! Love the pic of Laney ringing in the new year ;) I need to start my New Years resolution list.....

My {Oh} My Musings said...

we need to catch up! and so excited about you moving to SA!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica and Matt said...

I love how real and specific your resolutions are! Some are really random (wear more purple?) and some are ones that we all should have, but wouldn't admit (stop being critical of our bodies), some that are cuckoo (be bikini ready - I'm pretty positive you are there already!), and some that are inspirational (run another marathon - Julyish). Im not quite as ambitious - I'm thinking a half Julyish. :) butthanks for sharing. Maybe I'll even do some resolutions, after reading yours!

Nominate someone or something in need said...

Congrats!!! so excited for you guys!!! so yall are moving to SA...that is awesome!!! your ny sounded about like ours!!! movies:)) is that what kids do to you???haha...that is ok, i will take it:)))) miss you!!! give laney a kiss for me!

Emily Suzanne said...

I'm still working on my new years resolutions... last year I never even sat down and did any! I'm so happy I have time this year! :)
Also so excited to get to hang out with you soon, it's even possible that I will annoy you!

Lesley said...

I miss my sister! And the running begins we go...