Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Matthew graduated from Baylor Law School!!!!!!!!!!!

He did it! After three long years and sleepless nights, he is done with class, P.C., and finals! Now, he has the bar at the end of February and we will be completely & absolutely & without a doubt done! I can't take the happiness that I felt on Saturday morning. It was such a sweet celebration with our families and I eagerly look forward to what the future has in store for us. I can't wait to see Matthew in practice and as a real life J.D.

What a day and special occasion it was! Laney was geared up with her pretzels and running back and forth between me and Johnny. The ceremony and commencement was a bit difficult with Laney. I made sure we saw Matthew graduate but was mostly busy entertaining this little one.

The ceremony was tough to see and get pictures of. Thank goodness there was a professional photographer we can order photo's from.

Everyone was so happy to see Matthew right after the ceremony! We took lots and lots of pics!

After the ceremony we headed over to the law school for the reception.

Then Matthew took us into his Practice Court class room and courtroom. He also showed us his chair. The significance is that this is where he would sit and get called on. You have to stand up and answer the questions in front of your peers! It makes my hands sweat thinking about it!

Anyway, it was a wonderfully happy day!


campers said...

congrats matthew!

Elly Doran said...

Congratualtions Matthew Crowell, but also to your whole family who has gone through this with you! Blessings on this next season of your lives!

Lesley said...

YYYEEEEAAAA!! I am so glad for y'all! See y'all tomorrow! I love you so much!

andydawn said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know you are sooo happy and PROUD of Matthew :) Happy Birthday to you too...sorry we played phone tag today..hope you had a great day :)

Roman's Roost said...

Congrats to you and your family that is awesome!

Emily Suzanne said...

CONGRATULATIONS MATTHEW!!!! hallelujah! whoo hoo!!!
I'm so happy for you guys!

Sarah Durham said...

What a huge accomplishment! Congrats to Matthew!

Leigh Ann said...

CONGRATS Matthew!!!

Nominate someone or something in need said...

congrats, congrats, HAPPY for yall:)))

Andi said...

YEAH!!! What an accomplishment for the both of you.