Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy 18 Months

My heart beat,
How did we get to 18 months? It still seems like yesterday that you would just look up at me with your big brown eyes petite in my arms. Now you are all over the place and independently into everything. And you are an absolute fire ball! I never knew the love that I have found in you; my precious child. I am so proud of you for all the little things that you do. The way that entertain on demand, how you love to laugh when we laugh because you know it’s funny, or how you demand to watch Dora Dora Dora. And when you get upset in cartoons when (you know that Swiper isn’t supposed to take the puppy’s present). I love asking you if you went potty and you say "No"' or “Where is your Daddy” and promptly with your arms in display “No?” How you randomly say words that I had no idea you knew like map?! Or when I told you to get go your apple sauce in the kitchen you knew what I was saying! Or when you handed me back the grill cheese because you already had a piece and it was too much. The silly things you do amaze me daily. You are quite a curious toddler developing into a big girl every day before my eyes. I am so glad you are ours. I know I repeat but I just never knew the love I would have for you. And I feel blessed every day we have together.
We are about to have a really big change in our life. You are going to get to have the first move of yours. I know you will adapt. Probably a lot better than the rest of us; but you always have. From your first month of life we were on the go and pretty much don’t stop. I hope that you love San Antonio and we meet some of your best friends in the most historical city in Texas. We will figure it out together and as a family. And I promise I will always take care of you.
I'm blessed that you are healthy, beautiful, strong, and smart. I love you more than anything Laney; more and more every day.


Jenny Wakulat said...

She is getting so big. Love her! ;)

Emily Suzanne said...

She sure is getting big! Such a sweet face too.