Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dora Live

This past weekend I took Laney to "Dora Live". I haven't mentioned her Dora obsession but she loves her. "Dola, Dola, Dola" she will beg to watch before we go to sleep every night. Anyway, after a hellacious week of a 103 fever and being diagnosed with pneumonia(!?!), we were lucky to spend the afternoon at the Majestic Theatre in Downtown San Antonio. And I realize how much I love having a little girl. She makes everything so much more fun than it was without her! And the way she lit up when the show started was precious! By intermission though, I must admit, she was asking for a blanket and to go night night. She even tried to lie down on the floor.

We were getting ready to go to our seats and she had her "estrella" ready to wave.

Busy waving her star for Dora!

After the show ready to go night night.

The rest of the weekend was just me and Lanes. Matthew had a boy's weekend and I had planned on heading to Dallas but it just got too hard. And I had so much fun having time with me and L. We went and sampled cupcakes for her birthday, to the pool, and she took 3-4 hour naps recovering from our week.