Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Year Ago....

I ran my first marathon! Today was the second annual Rock N Roll SA marathon and I am so proud of all the runners! I cannot tell you how far away I am from running! Ha, walking is all I could do this time with all the morning sickness. Every time I see the Hemisphere tower in San Antonio I think of finishing the hardest race of my life. I cannot wait to do another! But it seems to be a lifetime away. And I need to probably find a BOB for #2 kids, any suggestions? I haven't even begun to look.

Moving on.....

Laney's infamous sayings right now. She keeps telling me places she is going like AGB (aka HEB- don't tell Whole Foods!), Hobby Lobby, and playground. Even if we are on our way somewhere else, she is quite the bossy britches. But she is potty trained and done. I'd say 5% of the time we have accidents and 95% we are good. Daycare is FINALLY on board; I think. Thank goodness, I don't know how I would have changed two diapers at once! Luckily I have three days remote that I can work with her but dang.....working and potty training is about impossible! But we do have on diapers at naptime and through the night. That is normal right?

And Laney loves cooking in her kitchen and ours. We do lots of water and food coloring, brownies and pancakes. Anything that requires a batter I make so she can play in it. I'm not a cooking Mom though; don't get me wrong. I'd love to be but it just isn't a passion that I've yet acquired. Trying. If it's easy I am game but more than five ingredients and it goes into the hard category for me.

We are going through a "My Mommy" phase where she gets very jealous of my time with Matthew. I hope this doesn't carry through the next few months. But the best big sister she will be! I call her "My little helper" and she really is. If she needs to go put something up or grab the nail polish for Mommy she does it. I can't get over how she knows and says everything these days.

What else, oh, baby names and this growing baby that I love more and more everyday! I can't wait to see his/her face. The second time around is just so different for me! I can't believe a little over three months. This has flown by and I have lots to do. But I have lots of stuff to do before I start on the list! Time is really not there right now for anything "extra". I am splitting time with school, working, studying for the GMAT, growing a baby, and keeping up with my heart beat. I wonder what nickname I will call this one? I guess it is one of those things I will just know when we meet. Okay here are some recent pics. We are bad at the camera thing lately.

And loving on my love! She just loves to hug and kiss and being silly!

And I am so excited to not be finding out what we are having next; the longer the time goes the more and more excited we get!!! Especially when I talk to people that have done the same thing and get so emotional hearing their story. I just can't think of a better surprise in this lifetime. And since I know what it's like to find out, I am so glad we did this!
Here are a couple of pics we took, 26 weeks, seriously!? I don't even remember showing this soon last time but I think my belly is so much heavier too!


Lesley said...

oh sister! you look so so so cute! my kittens will just love you! :) Laney is such a silly goose! I love her so very much!

Lesley said...

hahaha, Matthew is smiling, right?! Y'all accidently cropped his head when you did the timer+camera+run to get in the picture, right?!

andydawn said...

Awww...laney's hair is growing ;) It gives me hope for Madelyn's hair ;) You look great...and I am so excited for the call to tell me if you will have a lil guy or baby sister as Mason thinks :)

Emily Suzanne said...

You look great!!! What a beautiful pregnant mom you are!~ I'm excited to hear the story of how it was to wait and find out the sex... :)

Alison said...

Hi sweet friend! You look adorable! And i cannot believe you are not finding out! I hope it's a boy! I am so in love with mine!!! I miss you and am so sad I haven't talked to you in forever! Laney is cute as can be! Love you!