Monday, December 14, 2009

Following Up

Following Up on the last few weeks:

Thanksgiving in Colorado was wonderful! We got to play in the snow and see it for the first time! Living in South Texas just doesn't give us this opportunity. But the snow in Colorado was perfect and Laney def loved eating it! Here are some pics from the trip!

Kissing Cousins!

The cooks at Thanksgiving! My Momma, Kim, and Aunt Susan were too cute in the kitchen! It was quite exciting to have so many people all together in two houses! And the food was delicious!

Big Girl is my new nickname that Landon gave me. Awesome. So, Laney calls my belly that now and everyone thinks it is hilarious, kind of it. But I've gotten bigger since Turkey Day!
And Lesley and Andy and the Crowell Crew!

Our trip to Breckenridge:

And Laney loves flying in an airplane! But she must sit by the windown to see out. I don't know how people travel with two kids. It was just me and L on the way to Colorado and the way back was much easier with Matthews help! We had sooo much luggage! I still need to learn to pack.
We saw Santa at one of M's work Christmas parties. Laney was pretty excited to see him and then was shocked when she did. Then the following night we were sitting here talking about Santa and watching Rudolph. Laney said “ I saw him.”. So I said "Is he going to bring you toys?" She said “Yes, he is coming”. So I asked "Why?" and she said “Because I get them!” It was hilarious and I am excited about her opening stuff for Christmas this year!

Laney decorating her tree. It is just silver and white and she loves it! She knows it is hers.

We've been getting ready for baby Crowell #2 and his/her arrival. I can't believe that I have to go through labor again. I mean, it really was like a game the first time, but I'm so afraid of having a 12 lb baby! Ha! Brown and White Polka Dots and Yellow are going to be our theme. Then we will throw in pink or blue!

And I finally finished my first class towards my Masters in Accounting-Auditing! And I actually loved the class, the professor, and being a student again. It's different this go around with wanting to go back and learn. Next semester we will see how things go with Tax. I think our life might continue in craziness; just how we like it!

Adios for now....


Lesley said...

I miss you already

Nominate someone or something in need said...

I can NOT believe how big laney is is CRAZY how time seems like just yesterday you were pregnant w/ her:)and now #2!!! you look great:)))