Anyway, I wanted to have a going home outfit for the baby but clearly have to cover both genders. And I wanted the outfits to match! I know I am not pregnant with two but I felt like I was cheating one if they didn't have a similar outfit. Ridiculous, I know.
I could have gone way more frilly if we are having a girl and for a boy; well I think a lot of choices are too feminine and this one felt just right. I feel good about these footies since the baby will be born in February; or should be. And these are for 0-3 months since we tend to have big babies in this family!
I'd love to know what you think the baby will wear home-
??????????PINK BLUE??????????

When I see the lil girl makes me say GIRL today!!!
Andy says girl! Today...I think I might say girl too :) However, you know how I go back and forth :)
Kylie says boy because the order goes like this:
Kylie Madden
Mason Madelyn
Laney......Baby Boy Crowell
I'm with jenny I say boy
I SURE don't know!! whoever it is will be adorable!!
I think boy just because it looks like you are carrying the baby differently than when you were preggers with Laney.
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