Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Heart Beat Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to Laney! We had such a fun morning and day celebrating love. We got up and made blueberry pancakes and opened our Valentine's Day stuff. Then we headed to La Cantera. It was a beautiful day out and we enjoyed walking around outside. Plus, well, I was hoping to walk myself into labor!

And we had movie day in our room. The Chipmunks wasn't out anymore so we got Laney the movie and Alvin. She loves the Chipmunks! And we had our own movie at the house. It was cute!

And around 6:00 PM false labor began. We ended up at the hospital until the next morning with contractions every 3 minutes. I never progressed, so no baby yet. But very soon.....

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

SOON!!! Glad you had a fun Valentine's!