Thursday, February 25, 2010

Home: Where Your Story Begins

We made it home from the hospital on Friday the 19th. I forgot how a hospital stay is. But I think this experience went a bit better than last time. At least I feel like I am a tad bit ahead of my recovery. It isn't the labor part this is hard, it's the aftermath of that storm. Yucka Mucka!

Here we are leaving the hospital. Funny part, well not hilariously funny, but we forgot the infant car seat insert. So Miss Landry's itty head was bobbing to the side and she was too small for her carrier. So, as a new mother with *an undeflated belly* I had to climb in the back of our Acura TL and sit in between two car seats. Memorable and awesome.

Welcome Home Landry!

Home Is Where Your Story Begins.....

We have had a nice week at home with my parents helping out and M has had a flexible work schedule. For the past week it has been a clean house and take out. And they took Laney to do lots of fun things like the Rodeo and Fort Sam Houston. Bumpaw had fun with his Laney! But now it is just us and I'm learning to juggle two kids. I think it must get much harder when they get older because babies just sleep.

Lesley came too and watched Miss Laney for us while we were in the hospital. I didn't capture any pictures with Landon. I think I was just too exhausted and absent minded but hopefully my parents did.

The new addition to our family. I love this new baby, she is so good already. I think she is on a 3 hour schedule right now. I know this may change but Laney never slept so I am thankful for a 3 straight hours!

And Laney won't leave Landry alone. She is such a helper. I will say "Landry has a dirty diaper" to Matthew and Laney will run and go get a diaper and a wipe without even being asked. She is the sweetest big sister and I'm so glad to have her help. And she calls Landry "her baby". I should have known since I told her this when I was pregnant. Check out Laney making it look so easy. She cracks me up with her silly goose personality.

Bonding Time:

Landry in her moses basket. I debated on this and am so glad we opted for it. It has been so easy moving her room to room in this and having her right by the bed at night.


Jenny Wakulat said...

So sweet. I love her already!

Nominate someone or something in need said...

congrats:) so glad you guys are home...we should totally talk if you are up b/w 1am to 6am:)))ha! anyway you will do great juggling it all...give yourself time!!!

Emily Suzanne said...

oh she is so cute! With blue eyes and blonde hair...adorable!
And I laughed out loud at sweet laney and all her pics holding landry! what a GREAT big sis!

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