Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A Whole Lot of Love!

A Whole Lot of Love...

These pictures make me giggle. Laney loves holding her baby sister, regardless of Landry's temperament.

And just some mischief we've gotten into lately. Now that I am adjusting to having two children, funny things seem to happen more often. Laney got into some of her hello kitty blush. I guess she was trying to look like Mommy with all that blush! And then I told her to go to her room to finish her tantrum. She got really quiet and I walked in to find her standing up asleep!

And Laney put her baby to sleep with Landry. I saw this and had to capture. Just funny little memories I don't want to forget.
Landry has grown so much and is very alert. This week she has really started to smile at me! Pictures to come! I am just trying to catch up.
I am finally starting to figure out how to survive with no sleep. We went to dinner one night without the babies and it was amazing. I am forgetting how to have conversations with the outside world without kids. It was a nice refresher.


ThePoeFam said...

LOVE IT ALL!!! I love that Laney fell asleep standing up...being a Big Sister must be hard work! :) ... And, those newborn pictures are darling! Love that you're loving it!!! Make me excited!

The Perkins Family said...

I love these pictures! So cute. Less than 3 weeks to go for me...I'm headed to the doc this morning. I'm SO ready!!!