Thursday, June 17, 2010

Four Months Old 6/17/10

We crossed the 4 month old mark a couple of weeks ago. Landry is a busy baby girl! I can't believe that she is already four months old, really getting close to five now! But here are pics close to her 4 month birthday and her stats.

Height:  25 inches
Weight: 14 lbs 2 oz 

At our wellness check, we had a scare, and I suppose that is what we have been dealing with these past few weeks. It's a long story but since everything is just fine, let's leave it unsaid. Some things are best left this way and I wouldn't want to worry anyone.

A few of the things that Miss Landry is up to, well, let's see. Miss Landry loves to grab my face and pull me to hers. It is one of my absolute favorite things. I barely caught a picture of it the other day in her carrier, pure sweetness!

She is rolling over, has been for a little while, and trying to crawl. The other day I was working from home and she managed to scoot under thc couch. All of the sudden I felt a pitter patter beneath me and looked down to see her head poking out. Landry is a silly girl!

She has found her feet and her big toe. She loves sucking on it and being silly! Her thumb and fingers too of course! Landry is just the happiest baby, all smiles and giggley!

Here are some pictures right at four months....

She has taken to rice cereal and just reaches for the spoon. She can down that stuff!
We have been going to the pool just about everday! She is too cute in her floaty and just kicks and kicks. I suppose it is instinctive for an infant to behave that way in the water but I adore her behavior! I have not taken the camera as I am lucky to be able to get two kids in the water!
You know the song from "The King and I" Getting to Know You? I feel that way about this stage of "baby"hood. It's like this itty personality surfaces and you really get to know your baby! Muah Landry Anne, you are a perfect 4 month old!

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