Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Laying Low for the 4th!

We did not do anything crazy for the 4th, we stayed put in San Antonio. We have plans every single weekend in July somewhow and this one, we got to lay low. It was awesome! We don't do that enough and when we do it is enjoyable to be lazy.

We got up Saturday and watched the soccer game with some of our friends. Landry and Leni were watching too. These girls are going to be soccer stars!
Miss Priss will pose for the camera now that there is a baby sister who steals some shots. She always says "take a picture of me too Momma!" Hilarious.

We went to go have a picnic, grab ice cream, and watched the fireworks. Surprisingly, we didn't have any diaper blow outs, screaming, or anything that typically happens delay us.

However, we did feed the ducks. Daddy, tried to shoo them away. I was cracking up at the aggressiveness of these animals.

Landry was her happy self and we hung out at the table then joined M and Lanes.

My precious Landry. I just don't get enough pictures with you!
I got my hair cut but you can't tell from this picture. However, it was cut cut cut!

I hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July!

Side note and random but I want to remember for my blog book someday:

I have fallen in love with this Southern City of San Antonio with its Texas history and rich culture. I did not know it to be possible with the heat and humidity, this part of Texas, and being far from my family, and having to move for the 100th time. However, I can handle the heat, I still see everyone just about every 2 weeks, and have made some wonderful friends. The community that we live in is kind of a bubble, like Abilene almost, and we see the same people a lot. I love that, going somewhere and running into someone you know. I have a routine, sort of, but it's becoming as established as I would like it too. I kind of crave chaos. We have soccer every Tuesday (that took the place of kickball), a run every Wednesday, practice on Thursday's, and usually something on the weekend's. And I commute at least twice during the week to Austin! I love my life, even with the madness it presents. Matthew has a wonderful job and we really like everyone that he works with. I'm so proud of how hard he works for our family.
The World Cup has kept my attention this past month. I think it is the only sport I actually understand watching having played. My hands get so sweaty!

Enough words for now....


Emily Suzanne said...

Those ducks make me laugh! We've been there (Brackenridge Park, I'm guessing) and the ducks seriously are SO aggressive! Do they think they're people?! good grief!

catherineweir said...

Hey Laura! Just wanted to tell you that I love reading your blog and seeing the pictures of your beautiful family. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and Landry is adorable. Congratulations!


Leah (Galloway) Flores said...

I love all the L names. They are the best! Your family is beautiful! San Antonio is great. We go there alot to take kids to sea world