Friday, August 26, 2011

Landry 18 Months Old

Landry Anne

My sweet Landry is 18 months old this month! The time has flown. I benchmark by remembering we moved to San Antonio when Laney was 18 months old. What a lifetime ago! 
She is quite a silly and busy little 18 month old.  Her personality, and this magical age, is adorable and priceless! Her little voice and mannerisms--I can't ever get enough of this little Baby Malibu!
How she adores her big sister! She imitates everything she does and wants to be just like her. She also wants to be doing whatever it is Laney is doing—or playing with! It is sweet and then there are times that can be a little sour. Like stealing toys, biting arms, tackling each other but the majority of the time we "love" each other.
For her 18 Month Stats:
Weight 23 lbs 4 oz-40%
Height 32.5 inches- 75%
Head 18.8 inches-80%

This is probably one of my favorite looks. And right now, Landry is a Mommas girl. She goes back and forth but she wants me to hold her, cuddle, kiss and hug. Landry can be quite independent but when she wants to love she demands to and might throw a tantrum if you don't. Landry enjoys reading and her most frequently word used is absolutely "book". Then there is always "baba" for her sippy cup or "wawa" for water.

She can go from all serious...... silly little Landry in a moment!

To quite inquisitive!  

And she certainly has a mouth full of teeth!

And my Laney. My first heart beat.

Sweet Sisters. One of my favorite things is watching them interact and the love that they share. Laney is so protective of Landry and I know she will always take care of her. Two beautiful little girls that are so similar yet too unique. I adore them both so very much.

1 comment:

ThePoeFam said...

They are BEAUTIFUL! It's so crazy how Landry looks more like Matthew and Lainey looks more like you...but, then they both look like both of you...and the two of you look nothing alike! It's so cool how God does that with our little ones! LOVE and HUGS to you!