Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas to All!

We spent Christmas Eve at Madie's with the Crowell side of the family. We had our traditional munchies, wine, egg nog, and then everyone heads to Perini's. We are going to go sometime in the future when having two children at dinner in public isn't so difficult; if that ever happens.

Laney sang "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" for everyone all on her own. This was actually her first of many performances. We have the video but it's not uploading. I'll try to correct for this; it's pretty cute.

Then we drove around and looked at lights in Abilene with the Berg's. This has been a tradition in my family since I can remember; looking for Santa. This year may have been the most fun. My Dad, Momma, Me, Matthew, Laney, Landry, Landon, Lauren, and Lola all piled into the Sequoia (my Lord--seeing how many L's there are is crazy! We might have to go with an M name one day!ha!).

We had a nice time with family and the simplicity of the evening was nice.

Christmas morning was also fun with the girls and the excitement of opening presents from Santa! 

Matthew and I were totally into The Hunger Games over the break. Reading kind of dominated any free time I would have otherwise had.

Blurry pics but apparently the only one of me Christmas morning. I was sure to take loads of Laney and Landry though, of course!

Um, how excited was Laney to get an umbrella?!

Choo Choo! Landry and her trains, it is hysterical. She loves them and her favorite trains are the real ones when we are driving. So guess what birthday theme we will arrive at this year! Yup, choo choo trains!

Falling asleep about halfway through opening presents...

We went to Ma's for Christmas lunch and Laney was back to singing.....
 ....while Landry played the piano.
I became all pictured out by around noon. We had Christmas dinner at my parents house with the Crowell's, we played some board (bored) games and this is always interesting. We get into major WW mode playing monopoly or anything else where Matthew and I have to compete. But it ended up fun and mayhem as usual.

This was our first year without Lesley and I really missed opening stockings, mimosas, laughing at presents, and spending Christmas with my sister. Yet, I realize that this is part of life and holidays evolve. I'm so thankful for everyone we have in our life to love and be with in these times.

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