Saturday, January 07, 2012

Holiday Program at AHUMC

This year was my first time to attend Laney's Christmas Program. I would usually have to miss this due to work in Austin. But this year I was able to go!! I had no idea what I was missing. It made me very sad to think that I hadn't been to Lanes Christmas program in years past and very thankful I could go this year.

The children in the Pre K classes narrated the nativity scene and Jesus' birth. The children were dressed up as angels, cows, sheep, shepherds, and then of course the wise men, Mary, and Joseph. This was the sweetest reminder of the true celebration and meaning of Christmas.

And, shockingly, I got the times mixed up and thought that we were allowed into the program at 10:30 to find seats but in fact the program started at 10:30. I found myself in a scramble. I momentarily went crazy and decided to grab Landry from school a little early to watch the  program with me. So little-Lou-who got to sit with Mommy during the program and cheered chanted for Laney almost the entire time.

Almost. She kept herself busy though with my being well prepared.

Did I mention that I forgot my long lens to my camera? Well, I took the best pictures I could but they are from farrrrr out since my seat was not anywhere near the stage.


The pictures don't do justice to the production that the teachers and children put on. I wish I had a video of the sweet songs and musical words from these children. What a wonderful program and I'm so happy I was able to make it to see my Laney!

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