Friday, February 17, 2012

My Sweet Two Year Old

Happy 2nd Birthday Landry Anne Crowell!!!!

 What a sweet two year old you are! It's time to Celebrate You!

These past two years seem to have flown by and I'm still learning lots of new things about you. My little blondie! And, yes, your blue eyes have certainly stayed blue.

Some of the things I love about you and never want to forget:

You lead with your head; you are just simply rowdy. And I love how fearless you are when it comes to falls, trips, bang ups, and run into's. You are quite a brave little one. You love to tell stationery objects that they are "mean" and hit them when they hurt you.

We aren't certain that you know your name is Landry. We named you the name right before your sister's, Laney, and apparently this confuses a child. Who knew?! I think it's a game you like to play with us too. We ask you what your name is and your answer is generally: Baby or Laney.

You love sucking your thumb. Absolutely pacificies you and when you have your crocodile tears you have your go too thumb! You do cry big tears too and when you get your feelings hurt it is a sight to see.

Your green blanket is your buddy. You want to take it everywhere with you and always have to have it going to sleep at night. You have a blankie and love your green comforter.

Holding hands is your thing. You love to hold my hand, Laney's hand, Daddy's hand and you always simply say "hands". This is one of the sweetest gestures. I always seem to catch you and Laney holding hands in the back seat and it is priceless.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Itsy Bitsy Spider are your favorite two children's songs to sing. You love doing the hand motions and we sing this a lot. Once we start it is hard to stop.

Reading. I know your sister loved to read but not like this. You simply can't get enough of any book! I love it that you enjoy this so!

When you are in trouble or upset you immediately grasp onto the legs of the one scolding you. It is heartbreaking and leaves me defenseless. It's hard to be upset with you when you just want to be held. I think your manipulation is winning me over.

You will say "huggy" for a kiss or hug and it's so cute! You love to give kisses but you like to tease with them too.

You don't understand getting sick and throwing up yet. It is so sad because you will try to lie down in the towel and say "night night" when you get sick. It's terribly hard to explain to a 2 year old but you are quite the champ and it's hard to tell when you don't feel well. My tough bug!

You love trains, love them! Your birthday party is centered around them! You love to say "choo choo" and "two". You hold up four to five fingers but we will master this soon I'm certain!

There are so many things that I know I'm leaving off. Mostly, I am just glad that you are mine. I never knew my heart could double the way it has and holds you so tightly in it! Landry Anne, you are the most precious blue eyed, blonde haired child I've ever known and I will adore you always. Your sister takes care of you better than any big sister could and I'm so thankful that you have Laney as your big sister and that she has you as her baby sister. We needed Landry Anne as part of the Crowell Crew! How I love the two year old you!

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

Laura, what special memories! I love reading through this and hearing how much you love your girls. Landry is incredible and so is day, your words will be such a treasure.
Beautiful mama and beautiful girls.
Landry, I hope your birthday was so special, beautiful girl!!