Thursday, March 08, 2012

Little Gym

For Landry's  birthday we asked for a membership to Little Gym. This past Wednesday we tried out our free day. I've been wanting an activity to enjoy with just her on Wednesday mornings. We did Little Gym with Laney for some time and this just became too expensive to maintain. But I'm excited to have this time to watch Landry grow and learn and activities make the best gifts!

At first, Landry just stared at all the crazies running around and singing. She was tight in my lap and not going near the other children; shocker. Then we made our way to the mats and she started listing the colors as she would stand on them warming up to the idea of possibly liking Little Gym.

And as they released them to roaming around free for all she ran all over. Here she is climbing and maneuvering; quite the acrobat I might add!

So, I think we will enjoy this activity with just "us". It's so interesting to me to see her little personality come up when she isn't around Laney. She is very dependent on her big sister when she is around but when she isn't I love seeing her shine. She is the sweetest little toddler and my little Lu Who!


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