Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pumpkin Patch with Howard

We went to the pumpkin patch for Laney's class at Howard one day at AHUMC. The kindergartners walked over from Howard down Broadway to the church's pumpkin patch. This little class of sweet and sour faces. They are a funny bunch.
My favorite kindergartner! She was happy to see me. It has been such a perk of staying at home with  getting to be as involved with volunteering for Howard and in Laney's first year of school. I'm very thankful and grateful for this time.

The best surprise was running into Landry and her class! She too was at the pumpkin patch at the same time as Laney's class. Loved this surprise in our day! And watching Landry interact with her class mates when she wasn't aware that I was present. I truly don't know why I worry about this hot mess. She can clearly take care of herself but yet she is still my baby girl.

What a great visit and time we had picking out pumpkins for the class, enjoying a snack, and seeing each other in the middle of a school day!

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