Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Time

Our holiday began with a drive to Abilene that seemed to last forever. Laney and I left from downtown Austin and arrived in Abilene on Tuesday night just in time for bed. But there is truly no place like home during the holidays. And my heart always beats faster and faster as I exit Buffalo Gap Road and turn onto the col de sac where we still live. The icing on the cake is driving up and having my family run out to greet me. Truth, they are after the baby in the backseat, but driving up to the house where the Christmas tree sits in the same window and everything is almost just as same as the year before. It always seems like Christmas can't ever be topped from the prior year. But every year the new memories and moments make it just as special as the year before. And I can't ever put my finger on why. I want us to always remember. Thank you Jesus.
Christmas Eve morning we got up and I worked a half day remote. Later I ran to Target with Lel and finished up my Christmas shopping. We ran into Fathom; whom we hadn't seen him in years. Then M & I took Laney by her Great Aunt Madie's and saw the Crowell's for dinner. Laney loved playing with an antique baby doll that was Madie's daughters, Kay's, first baby. Lastly we headed back to the Berg's for the first round (of three!!!)of Trivial Pursuit.

Lastly we headed back to the Berg's for the first round (of three!!!)of Trivial Pursuit.
Ahhh, then M and I were up until 2 am putting together a table for Lanes. Well, Matthew put it together and I was the moral support lounging on the couch. Still, I was giddy excited for Laney and her presents! And the breakfast casserole we have year after year.
Good Morning and Merry Christmas Berg Clan! I was not the first one up this year with Landon! It was actually Lesley that came in and woke us up. And Laney quickly found her itty table.

Lanes began coloring in her book from Lel pretty immediately. But it wasn't long before she figured out the Dora Lil Quad Power Wheels. She now acts like evil kaneval standing up and all!

We had a wonderful Christmas morning and I always forget to take pictures opening presents. But we did read the Christmas story with Laney and it was a comfy, cozy morning with Spiced Tea, Mimosa's, and holiday surprises. We headed over to Dorothy's around lunch to see the Crowell's.
My Little Beauty in her Christmas dress. She was precious and tiny. It literally swallowed her. She weighs 20 lbs at this point and is sweet & petite.

The rest of our Christmas holiday adventure coming soon....

1 comment:

Baby McMinn said...

I love that The Berg's aren't the only one's having mimosa's for Christmas brunch. Laney is so cute.