Sunday, December 28, 2008

More Holiday Happenings.....

After Christmas Day, well, the remainder of our time at home in Abilene went by fast and furious. We had a lot of family time this year. Lesley's boyfriend got in on Friday night and we all went to Little Italy with the Koske's. Then we went out in Abilene, which is always awesome.

Then we had Perini's on Saturday night, yum. I am going on a New Year's crash diet starting next week because dang, all the good food during the holiday's!

Sweet Time with the Grandparents is always precious. And Laney loves them all so very much! I wish I had taken more family pictures, Laney seems to steal the camera all by herself mostly.

Trivial Pursuit, we have a new tradition of playing this at Christmas Time, and I am lucky if I get one answer right.

And Miss Laney. She is all consuming and I love her spirit. She has so much energy and is so sweet. I don't know where she gets it but keeping up with her at this point is wishful thinking!

Laney's first gift from us before we left Round Rock. We woke her up to let her play before we left for daycare; a glimpse of the amount of time she has spent on the Kangaroo Climber--thanks for the suggestion Andy Dawn--she absolutely adores it.

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