Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Three Months

Landry hit the three month mark on Monday the 17th! I cannot believe how quickly time goes by, life is just speedy here, as I'm certain it is for mothers in general! Sheesh!
Landry has grown a lot in her little life. It is fair to say she is a very healthy baby. This month she is busy getting frustrated trying to roll over and stand up like her big sister. She really wants to be on the move and I think she gets irritated that she can't run around and play with Laney. Landry is all smiles and all kinds of talkative. Although, I believe she is a calmer, quieter personality. She observes and takes in her surroundings. She adores her hands and fists and sucking profusely on them. I have learned that she does not like formula and throws it up. She has stunning eyes, just like her sister, and they captivate me. The almond shape and shade of blue are beautiful. Landry how I have fallen in love with you my baby baby girl! Anyone have any guesses as to who she looks like or will look like? I know, I am out of the running.
Love this picture of her belly and gaze.

Quick catch up on our whereabouts:
We just finished up our season of kickball 6-0 but lost in the playoffs. Now, we start soccer in June! I am way excited! I finally feel like I will have the opportunity to lose the rest of my baby weight (and probably puke on the sidelines!). I also finished my Master's class and am taking the summer off to figure out working with two children vs. one. Everything just seemed to get 4x's harder. Looking at my newest little one though, I would do this "harder" ten times over. Absolutely. Totally. Undoubtedly. Worth. It.

I have started back to work and it is a blessing to have employment but it is difficult adjusting to a world of adults and numbers.  I miss my girls. Although, I do believe I have the best of both worlds with working from home the majority of the work week!


The Perkins Family said...

Oh my gosh Laura...I can't believe she is already 3 months old! Easton is already 4're right, time flies these days! How was your first week back at work? Were you in Austin 2 days?

Nominate someone or something in need said...

i know kyleigh turned 4 months this week on the 18th...crazyness! goes too fast:))) enjoy every second!!!